Introduction precision machine parts manufacturing process, under the premise of ensuring part quality, develop a comprehensive technical and economic benefits has a good, reasonable and feasible process scheme is called part of the design process.
Basic concepts and process production process
1, production process: the design drawing into a product, to go through a series of manufacturing process. Usually transformed into raw materials or semi-finished products through the entire process is called production process.
2, the process consists of: parts machining process by a combination of many processes, each process but also by the station, step, take the knife and installation components. The process of a part to develop process specification requirements and steps for process planning is to guide the production of technical documentation, technical rules must be economically reasonable. Part of the process of order is part of the processing methods and procedures. Contents: process (heat treatment) to determine the various processes used in machine tools, clamping methods, measurement methods, allowance, cutting and fixed working hours and so on. Will fill in a certain form of the various elements of the card, which is the machining process of the procedure, namely machining process card. Second, part of the process analysis, the main contents are: (1) check parts of the drawings are complete and correct analysis of the main table and precision parts, tables and integrity, technical requirements and other conditions existing production can achieve. (2) Check the selection of parts and materials are appropriate, whether it will become difficult and complex process. (3) the review process of the parts of the structure to check whether part structure economically, efficiently processing out. Third, the usual process documents are the following. (1) machining process card: a brief description of its main role is machining process route. (2) the card machining processes: process documentation requirements as much as possible detailed and complete, in addition to process directory, there are cards of each process step. (3) machining process (integrated) cards. Uses a machining process than card details over the machining sequence cards simple and flexible machining process card.